By Nathan E. Malpass, Last updated: January 13, 2020
Wallpapers are the quickest configuration to change and often times the most modified preference in an operating system, whether it is mobile or desktop. Wallpapers are just pictures located in a folder that is in a system directory or user directory. Wallpapers can be deleted by accident, user cleanup or by the operating system itself upon updating or scheduled system cleanup.
Most users stick to one wallpaper but other people tend to change wallpapers frequently and may reuse previously applied wallpaper. The problem is when the wallpaper that the user wants to apply can no longer be found because it has been deleted. Well, worry no more because there are some ways to effectively recover deleted wallpapers.
Solution 1: How to Recover Deleted Wallpapers Using Data RecoverySolution 2: How to Recover Deleted Wallpapers from Recycle Bin or TrashSolution 3: How to Recover Deleted Wallpapers from System BackupSolution 4: How to Recover Deleted Wallpapers from File Previous VersionsConclusion
Using reliable and powerful data recovery software is the best method in retrieving your deleted favorite wallpapers. The most recommended software for both Windows and macOS in data recovery is FoneDog Data Recovery Software. FoneDog Data Recovery has the best feature to recover not just deleted wallpapers in your PC or Mac but also other types of files such as audios, videos, photos, documents, emails, and others. It can also recover deleted wallpapers from your phone’s external storage as well. And with this, here is how you can utilize FoneDog Data Recovery software in retrieving your deleted wallpapers.
Data Recovery
Recover deleted image, document, audio and more files.
Get deleted data back from computer (including Recycle Bin) and hard drives.
Recover loss data caused by disk accident, operation system crushes and other reasons.
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After downloading and installing the FoneDog Data Recovery software in your Windows or Mac, launch the program. It will open the home screen where you can choose to start or explore other software. Click the start button to open the list of file types you can recover as well as choose the location from where the FoneDog Data Recovery software will scan for deleted files. Select Image as the only type of file to scan and select Windows Drive (usually labeled as C:) and Recycle Bin for Windows or Macintosh HD and Trash for MacOS as the locations to scan.
After selecting the file type and locations to scan, just simply click the Scan button to initiate the scanning of deleted files which are of image types such as PNG, JPEG, GIF, etc. and will include the deleted wallpaper. Using the Quick Scan process will do a quick pass through the selected path while the Deep Scan process will scan the locations thoroughly which would take a longer time to finish than the normal quick scanning process. Through the scanning process, the FoneDog Data Recovery software window will display the recoverable files in a preview pane on the right.
Once the scanning process is already done, then you can now preview the recoverable data results from the right pane of the program window. You can select multiple files to recover by clicking the checkbox on each file you want to recover. Also, to make the search for the specific wallpaper to be faster, you can enter the file path or filename in the Filter text field and click the filter button. You can also change the view of the preview pane to be in thumbnail view, simple list view or detailed list view. You can also save the current search results to recover these wallpapers at a later time.
After choosing the wallpapers you want to recover, you can then simply click the Recover button so that the FoneDog Data Recovery will start to recover the deleted photos(wallpapers).
User deleted files can be easily restored by opening the Recycle Bin (for Windows) or Trash (for macOS). Basically, the system does not directly delete files when the user deletes a file from a directory, it transfers the file first in a temporary directory for the deleted files before it can be deleted permanently. To recover deleted wallpapers from Recycle Bin or Trash:
The problem is when the Recycle Bin or Trash has been emptied completely meaning the files have been completely deleted from the system. In this case, you can use the FoneDog Data Recovery software to select the Recycle Bin or Trash as the location to search the deleted files.
Whenever Windows is updated onto a major version, many configurations are changed including the wallpapers. You can find Windows.old folder in your Windows drive after a major Windows update, you can find old programs and configurations here as well as the wallpaper file that was currently set before the update. You can restore your deleted wallpaper by simply browsing in Windows Explorer to C://Windows.old/Windows/Wallpapers to find your wallpaper.
Windows has its own file history system so that you can restore previous versions of files in case of modification or deletion. To recover your deleted wallpaper using its previous version:
In this tab, you can select the version date from which the system made a copy of the file.
Data Recovery
Recover deleted image, document, audio and more files.
Get deleted data back from computer (including Recycle Bin) and hard drives.
Recover loss data caused by disk accident, operation system crushes and other reasons.
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Recovering your deleted wallpapers is now very quick easy. There are a lot of ways to recover deleted wallpapers. You will never worry again if you lost your favorite wallpaper or if you want to restore a previously applied one.
If you want the best and fastest way to recover your deleted wallpaper, you can just simply use the FoneDog Data Recovery software to search and recover your wallpaper. It is fast, easy to use and reliable in terms of recovering deleted data, not just only wallpapers but also other kinds of media that have been deleted previously.
You can also recover deleted email, documents and database files using FoneDog Data Recovery software so it’s an all-around data recovery software not only limited to wallpapers.
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Data Recovery
FoneDog Data Recovery recovers the deleted photos, videos, audios, emails, and more from your Windows, Mac, hard drive, memory card, flash drive, etc.
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