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[Solved] How to Fix Unsaved Excel File Not in Recovery

By Nathan E. Malpass, Last updated: May 29, 2024

Have you ever found yourself in a panic, desperately searching for an unsaved Excel file that seems to have vanished into the digital ether? You're not alone. Accidents happen, whether it's a sudden power outage, an unexpected system crash, or simply closing Excel without saving your work.

While Excel has built-in recovery options for such scenarios, they don't always manage to retrieve your precious data. What do you do when your unsaved Excel file not in recovery options? Don't worry; you're about to embark on a journey to recover those elusive files.

In this comprehensive guide, we will take you through the steps to retrieve unsaved Excel files not in recovery. We'll explore the best methods and tools to help you salvage your data and save you from the frustration of starting over. So, let's dive into the world of Excel file recovery and equip you with the knowledge and techniques you need to reclaim your unsaved work.

Part 1. How to Retrieve Unsaved Excel File Not in Recovery on MacPart 2. How to Retrieve Unsaved Excel File Not in Recovery on WindowsPart 3. Best Method to Retrieve Unsaved Excel File Not in Recovery Options: FoneDog Data Recovery ToolPart 4. Summary – Retrieve Unsaved Excel File Not in Recovery Options

Part 1. How to Retrieve Unsaved Excel File Not in Recovery on Mac

Method 01. By Checking the Temporary Folder

hen an unsaved Excel file seems to have disappeared, your first course of action on a Mac should be to check the temporary folder. This method can often be a lifesaver, as Excel might have stored a copy of your work there. Here's how to proceed:

  1. Navigate to the Temporary Folder:
    • Open a Finder window.
    • Click on "Go" in the menu bar at the top of the screen.
    • Select "Go to Folder..."
    • In the dialogue box that appears, type "~/Library/Containers/" and press "Go."
  2. Search for Your File:
    • In the AutoRecovery folder, you will find files that have been auto-saved by Excel.
    • Look for a file that matches the name of the one you are trying to recover. These files typically have names like "AutoRecovery save of YourFileName.xlsx."
    • If you find the relevant file, copy it to a safe location on your computer.
  3. Open the File:
    • Now, open Microsoft Excel.
    • Go to "File" > "Open."
    • Navigate to the location where you saved the recovered file and open it.
  4. Save the File:
    • Once you have successfully opened the recovered file, make sure to save it immediately with a new name to prevent future loss.

Retrieve Unsaved Excel File on Mac from Temporary Folder

This method is a quick and straightforward way to recover unsaved Excel files on your Mac. However, please note that it only works for files that Excel had an opportunity to save as a temporary backup. If this method doesn't yield the desired results, don't worry; we have more methods to explore in the upcoming sections of this guide.

Method 02. By Checking the Recent List

Another way to potentially retrieve an unsaved Excel file on your Mac is by checking the "Recent" list in Microsoft Excel. This list typically contains recently opened files, and it might include the unsaved document you're looking for. Follow these steps to see if your file is in the "Recent" list:

  1. Open Microsoft Excel:
    • Launch Microsoft Excel on your Mac.
  2. Navigate to the "Open Recent" Section:
    • In the top menu bar, click on "File."
  3. Review the "Open Recent" List:
    • In the "File" menu, you will see an "Open Recent" section.
    • Click on it, and a list of recently opened files will appear.
  4. Search for Your Unsaved File:
    • Scroll through the list of recently opened files and see if you can find the unsaved Excel document you're looking for.
    • If you find it, click on the file to open it.
  5. Save the File:
    • Once the file is open, make sure to save it immediately with a new name to prevent future loss.

Retrieve Unsaved Excel File on Mac from Recent List

It's essential to note that the files in the "Recent" list are usually those you've accessed recently, which may include unsaved files that Excel managed to recover. However, this method is not foolproof, and there's no guarantee that your specific unsaved file will be in the list. If it's not there, don't despair; we have more techniques to explore in the upcoming sections to increase your chances of file recovery.

Method 03. By Using the Terminal

If you still can't find your unsaved Excel file through the previous methods, you can try using the Terminal on your Mac to search for the file. This method can help you locate files that might not appear through traditional means. Here's how to use the Terminal:

  1. Open Terminal:
    • To open Terminal, you can use Spotlight Search (Cmd + Space and then type "Terminal") or navigate to Applications > Utilities > Terminal.
  2. Use the Find Command:
    • In the Terminal window, you can use the find command to search for the file. Enter the following command, replacing "YourFileName.xlsx" with the name of the unsaved file you are looking for:
find / -name "YourFileName.xlsx"
  • This command will search your entire filesystem for the specified filename.
  1. Review the Search Results:
    • The Terminal will display a list of file paths where it finds files with the name you specified.
    • If you see the file you're looking for, note the file path.
  2. Access the File:
    • Open a Finder window and navigate to the file path you noted in step 3.
  3. Save the File:
    • Once you locate the file, open it with Microsoft Excel.
    • Make sure to save the file immediately with a new name to prevent further data loss.

Retrieve Unsaved Excel File via Terminal on Mac

Using the Terminal to search for unsaved files gives you a broader search scope, potentially helping you find files that the other methods might have missed. However, please be cautious when using Terminal, as it allows access to system files and directories. Ensure yo

Part 2. How to Retrieve Unsaved Excel File Not in Recovery on Windows

Method 01. Using Recent Workbooks Feature

If you're working with Excel on a Windows computer and you've accidentally closed an unsaved file, don't worry. Microsoft Excel has a "Recent Workbooks" feature that can help you recover your unsaved work. Here's how to use it:

  1. Open Microsoft Excel:
    • Launch Microsoft Excel on your Windows computer.
  2. Navigate to the "Recent" Section:
    • Look for the "File" tab in the top-left corner and click on it.
  3. Review the "Recent" List:
    • In the "File" tab, you will see a list of recently opened workbooks.
    • Click on "Open" or "Recent" (the specific wording may vary depending on your Excel version).
  4. Search for Your Unsaved File:
    • In the "Recent" list, you'll find a collection of recently accessed Excel files. Check if your unsaved workbook is listed there.
    • If you find your file, click on it to open it.
  5. Save the File:
    • Once your unsaved file is open, save it immediately with a new name to prevent future data loss.

Retrieve Unsaved Excel File on Windows from Recent Files

The "Recent Workbooks" feature in Microsoft Excel is a quick and convenient way to recover unsaved files that you were working on. However, it's important to note that this method is only effective for files that Excel had the opportunity to create a temporary backup for.

If the file doesn't appear in the recent list, or if it's not in the list for some other reason, don't worry; we have additional methods to explore in the upcoming sections to increase your chances of file recovery.

Method 02. Using Command Prompt

If you've accidentally closed an unsaved Excel file on your Windows computer, and the built-in recovery options haven't been successful, you can try using Command Prompt to potentially recover your file. Here's how to do it:

Retrieve Unsaved Excel File on Windows Using Command Prompt

  1. Press Win + R to Open the Run Dialog:
    • Simultaneously press the Windows key and R to open the Run dialog.
  2. Enter Command Prompt Command:
    • In the Run dialog, type cmd and press Enter. This will open the Command Prompt.
  3. Navigate to the AppData Directory:
    • In the Command Prompt, you'll need to navigate to the location where Excel stores temporary files. You can do this by typing the following command and pressing Enter:
cd %userprofile%\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Office\UnsavedFiles
  1. List Recovered Excel Files:
    • To see a list of temporarily recovered Excel files, you can use the dir Type dir and press Enter.
  2. Locate Your Unsaved Excel File:
    • Examine the list of files to find the one you want to recover. These files should have similar names to your unsaved document.
  3. Copy the File to Another Location:
    • To recover your unsaved file, you can copy it to another location by using the copy For example, if your unsaved file is named "MyUnsavedFile.xlsx," you can use the following command to copy it to your Documents folder:
copy MyUnsavedFile.xlsx C:\Users\YourUsername\Documents
  1. Open the Copied File in Excel:
    • Navigate to the location where you copied the file and open it using Microsoft Excel.
  2. Save the File:
    • Once the file is open, make sure to save it immediately with a new name to prevent future data loss.

Using Command Prompt to recover unsaved Excel files can be effective if you know where to look. However, please note that this method may not always work, and the success of recovery depends on whether Excel had the opportunity to create a temporary backup of your file.

Part 3. Best Method to Retrieve Unsaved Excel File Not in Recovery Options: FoneDog Data Recovery Tool

Losing an unsaved Excel file can be a frustrating experience, but there's a reliable solution: FoneDog Data Recovery Tool. This software is a comprehensive data recovery tool that can help you retrieve unsaved Excel files that aren't accessible through traditional recovery options. Here's an overview, key features, and the steps to use this Tool for this purpose.

This software is a versatile data recovery software designed to recover lost or deleted files from various storage devices, including your computer's hard drive, external drives, memory cards, and more. It's user-friendly, making it an excellent choice for users who need to recover unsaved Excel files quickly and efficiently.

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Key Features:

  1. Wide File Format Support: FoneDog Data Recovery Tool supports various file formats, including Excel spreadsheets, Word documents, photos, videos, and more, ensuring you can recover a wide range of data.
  2. Multiple Recovery Modes: It offers different recovery modes, including "Deleted Files Recovery," "Partition Recovery," and "Advanced Recovery." These modes enable you to recover lost data in different scenarios.
  3. Intuitive Interface: The software is designed with a user-friendly interface, making it accessible to users of all skill levels. You don't need to be a tech expert to use it.
  4. Deep Scan: Performs deep scans to locate and recover lost files, increasing the chances of retrieving unsaved Excel documents.
  5. Preview Feature: Before recovering files, you can preview them to ensure they are what you're looking for.

Deep Scan to Retrieve Unsaved Excel File

Steps to Retrieve Unsaved Excel File:

Here's how to use FoneDog Data Recovery Tool to retrieve unsaved Excel files not accessible through standard recovery options:

  1. Download and Install the Tool:
    • Visit the official FoneDog website and download the software.
    • Install the program on your computer.

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  2. Launch the Software:
    • Run the Data Recovery Tool.
  3. Select the Recovery Mode:
    • Choose the appropriate recovery mode for your situation. In this case, you can use "Deleted Files Recovery" or "Advanced Recovery."
  4. Select the Location:
    • Specify the location where you believe your unsaved Excel file was located. It could be your computer's hard drive or any external storage device.
  5. Start the Scan:
    • Click on the "Start Scan" button to initiate the scanning process.
  6. Preview and Recover:
    • Once the scan is complete, you'll see a list of recoverable files. Look for your unsaved Excel document.
    • Preview the file to ensure it's the one you want to recover.
  7. Recover the File:
    • Select the unsaved Excel file and click on the "Recover" button.
    • Choose a safe location to save the recovered file.

Retrieve Unsaved Excel File Using FoneDog Data Recovery

FoneDog Data Recovery Tool offers a powerful and user-friendly solution to retrieve unsaved Excel files and other data that may not be recoverable through standard methods. This versatile tool gives you the best chance of recovering your valuable work, ensuring you don't have to start from scratch.

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Part 4. Summary – Retrieve Unsaved Excel File Not in Recovery Options

Losing unsaved Excel files can be distressing, but you have several methods at your disposal to recover them:

  • Mac Methods: Check the Temporary Folder. Review the Recent List. Use the Terminal to search for files.
  • Windows Methods: Utilize the Recent Workbooks feature in Microsoft Excel. Use Command Prompt to locate and recover files.
  • The Best Solution for Both Mac and Windows: FoneDog Data Recovery Tool: Features deep scan, multiple recovery modes, and file format support. Provides an intuitive interface for users of all levels. Enables file preview before recovery. Offers a reliable method to retrieve unsaved Excel files.

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Choose the method that best suits your needs and technology proficiency to ensure the successful recovery of your valuable unsaved Excel files.

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Nathan E. Malpass

iPhone/Android Devices’ Maintenance Expert

Staying home, listening to music, writing tech articles

Many people asked me to repair their mobile phones so I have a lot of experience in mobile phone repair, and I know a lot about Android or Apple phones.

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