By Vernon Roderick, Last updated: November 21, 2017
How Can I use the Photos Recover Tools to Recover my deleted Photos? Do you know how does the photo recovery tool work?
"I have two phones right now, I'm one of those people who have a business phone and a personal phone. I have an iPhone X and a Samsung S8, I actually love both phones and enjoy using them. It does get confusing having to juggle between both phones when things get hectic at work, but guess that's what happens with two phones. My problem is while I was at work, I had a few minutes to myself, I was busy deleting some photos to make some space on my phone but I got confused and ended up deleting some important files. I stumbled and deleted, even more, photos that I didn't want to. Now I'm up to the creek without a paddle at work and I lost some of my precious memories. I really need to get both of them back. Any suggestions? My ears are all open."
Recover deleted photos from iPhone X Device
Look!!! Mobile phones are something that has reshaped the world. We have been given the power of small computers or laptops in our hands and the things we can do on mobile phones are pretty amazing. The features on mobile phones strongly vary and cater to a number of clients, the options out there are pretty vast and can really confuse you. The choices and options don't end there, with the millions of apps available out there can really change the purpose of a phone. There are apps help you connect to various social media programs and almost every other person with a smartphone has at least one or two social media apps on his or her phone. Next up is a number of messaging programs that can send photos, calendar invites and so much more. Don't even ask about the tons and tons of games out there. The sheer amount of apps available for both iOS and Android, and every other unit in between is just amazing, and the things we can do on mobile phones continues to grow.Despite the growing capabilities of mobile phones, we can't deny that we still use it for some basic things: to contact friends, family or whoever we need to, to be able to message each other with the immediate ability to receive replies in a span of seconds, to hold some of our most cherished memories through videos and photos and much more. With technology by our side, it makes mobile phones quite indispensable. Unfortunately, when technology fails us, it infuriates us and makes us panic when things go south.
Part 1. Reasons of Losing PhotosPart 2. Restore Deleted Photos from BackupPart 3. Recover Deleted or Lost Pictures from Mobile PhonePart 4. Video Guide: How Does the Photo Recovery Tool Work?
Watch out!!! Such an event can happen when our photos, our cherished memories are all of a sudden absent from our trusty mobile phones. We panic and try to figure out if it was our error as to why the pictures are suddenly gone from our mobile phones. The truth of the matter is sometimes it's beyond our control, they can range from any of the causes below:
Deleted accidentally - One of the only errors that we can be really held accountable for and let's face it, it's happened before, but the picture you deleted before wasn't really all that important. Today, however, that picture that you somehow removed from your phone was something you never wanted to be deleted from it. Now, what are you going to do?
Corrupted data - The causes of this error are vast and unknown sometimes. It happens all of a sudden and can really take most people by surprise. Perhaps your phone has some factory defects? Or maybe it's something else? Who knows, but one way or another, you are missing some photos now and you really want them back.
Stolen or lost phone - You never really thought it would happen to you, somehow you got your phone stolen. It was just in your gym bag or purse, but now it's not there. You are running through your thoughts, maybe you just left it, the worst possible outcome is not happening to you, it's just not possible.
Busted phone - Did you really just drop your phone? Well, that's alright, after all, you likely have a screen protector, a phone guard and other stuff that'll make sure it'll come out alright. Wait, what do you mean you didn't have any of those? Really? Didn't you buy any of those? How's your phone? Perhaps it's still alright, maybe that loud 'thud' wasn't as bad as you thought it... and the screen is busted alright. The pixels are spotted all over the bleeding black screen, but maybe your data is alright? How do you press menu now?
There could be more causes for why you lost the photos but you can't really figure it all out, likely one of the reasons above rings a bell. Either or you still need to find a way to get those photos back.You keep looking for options as to how to recover them and seem to have stumbled on some possibilities.
You are using an Android phone and you were lucky enough to back up your photos on a Google account, you can simply connect your phone to the internet and retrieve the deleted or lost photos from Android or iPhone Devices. On the other hand, if you have an iOS mobile phone, likely an iPhone, you might have backed up your photos with iCloud and you can just follow some instructions to be able to retrieve them and place them back to your phone.
Now, as luck would have it, you were not able to do either. It's not like all is lost. Thankfully there is still another option available to those who have yet to back up their photos. You can now download any of the programs that FoneDog Toolkit, has available. For iOS devices, you will likely need FoneDog iOS Data Recovery and for Android units, you can download FoneDog Android Data Recovery.These solutions are set to be able to recover various forms of data from your mobile phone despite not being able to back up any data. As long as you had something on your mobile phone, such as a contact number, a message, a photo, an entry in your call history, or whatever information, FoneDog Toolkit can recover your details as long as you are able to connect the phone in question to a computer or laptop that has installed one of the FoneDog Toolkit’s programs. All you have to do now is make sure you download the right option to retrieve your photos. Take recovery of photos from iOS devices as an example. Follow the steps and you will learn how does the photo recovery tools work!
Download and install FoneDog - iOS Data Recovery. Run the software on your computer and connect your iOS device to your computer with a USB cable. Then choose "Recover from iOS Device" from the left side and click "Start Scan".
Download Photo Recovery Tools and Connect a PC--Step1
After you click "Start Scan" button, the program will start scanning your iPhone devices to scan for lost or deleted files of deleted photos on the iOS device.
Scan and Select the Deleted Photos on Your PC--Step2
Choose the photos then simply click the "Recover" button, then select an apt path to retrieve the deleted images. The program will restore your deleted photos from iPhone devices to computer quickly and safely.
I believe you have known how does the photo recovery tool work! Congratulations! You have learned a new skill!
Also Read:
3 Top Ways to Recover Deleted Photos from iPhone X
How to Recover Deleted Text Messages from iPhone X
Restore Your Deleted Images from iOS Device to PC with Photo Recovery Tools--Step3
FoneDog Toolkit can recover you all photos as long as you are able to connect the phone in question to a computer or laptop that has installed one of the FoneDog Toolkit - iOS Data Recovery programs. All you have to do now is have a try with the help of FoneDog Toolkit to restore deleted pictures from iOS devices as well as Android Phone. Good Luck!
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